The Album
Marble and Feathers is the second album by Ianneia.
Recorded and released 2009
Musicians: Ole Sloth, piano. Peter Søvad, upright bass; Martin Kollerup Sørensen, drums. Marie Meldgaard, Anette Svendsen, Inge Brink Nielsen, Peter Søvad: additional vocals. Viggo steincke: guitar. Torben Nielsen: alto sax.
Cover art & design: Nina Meldgaard.

About the Album
I got the inspiration to the title song of this album on a balcony near Athens, Greece. I was enjoying the beautiful ocean-view when the lines: “When something as light as a feather, and something as solid as marble is merging together” came to me enveloped in a feeling of deep happiness and clear insight. At that moment I realized that is was time to start the process of producing a new album and that the title of the album was going to be Marble & Feathers.
2 days before, I had been very fascinated by the main stairs at Acropolis, which is made from shining old marble and I took a lot of photos of that staircase without knowing why. These photos ended up as the basic material for the artwork that my daughter Nina Meldgaard made for the cover.
After coming home following that divine moment in Greece it was just a matter of getting to work. I finished the title song and initiated the process of selecting the other songs that were going to be on the album. The common denominator for the 11 songs is that they all are reflecting the fact that we humans are spiritual beings in physical bodies – and each song is in its own lyrical way addressing that fact by talking to the divine and most powerful part of the listener. If my songs could bear a wish, it would be that they encourage and strengthen our connection with our true spiritual self so that we can stand tall and strong and full of courage in our dealings with the physical world. This is something we need in this time of change on Planet Earth.
For all of us spiritual beings in physical bodies it is a common condition here on Planet Earth that we try to find a balance between the physical and the spiritual dimensions. Dealing with all the activities that the physical life implies is not always an easy task. And it can be even more difficult when we start to open up to a deeper sensitivity which is a natural part of finding and embracing the spiritual part of us. Then we often find ourselves in a conflict between our deeper wisdom and insight and the harsh and sometimes weird believes that are ruling the physical world.
The title song Marble and Feathers aims to capture the feeling that arises when the physical and the spiritual dimensions are merging together and become oneness without conflicts, doubts or difficulties of any kind. This song brings forth a level of deep consciousness that I normally only experience during meditations and related activities.
I want to thank all the great musicians and singers who are playing and singing with so much empathy and delicacy that they are lifting the songs to a higher level. And I want to thank Nina who are so gifted with visual talents and who helped me in the process of creating the cover for Marble & Feathers and now this new website thus giving my musical art a window to the world fully in accordance with the essence of the songs. The names of all the gifted and good people who have made unique contribution to this project are listed in the top of this page and in the booklet of the album.